About India Habitat Centre (IHC)
About IHC
India Habitat Centre (IHC) was conceived to provide a physical environment, which would serve as a catalyst for a synergetic relationship between individuals and institutions working in diverse habitat related areas and would therefore maximize their total effectiveness. To facilitate this interaction, the Centre provides a superb range of facilities.
Representative of “ecology by design, India Habitat Centre was Stein’s largest project. It is perhaps most successful as a work of urban design, a place that handles transportation and an enormous variety of public and private activities, from housing to banking to entertainment to food. A city within a city, it is an intellectual shopping centre that provides cheap green curry, great theatre, cutting edge art, …., and wonderful outdoor spaces that are comfortable even in summer. The IHC has made an extraordinary contribution to the city of Delhi …” (Source: An Innocent Abroad: Joseph Stein in India, by Professor Jeffrey M Chusid. Occasional Publication 18, India International Centre).
Spread over an area of nine acres the IHC campus has been designed and built by Joseph Stein, Doshi and Bhalla who have created an island of architectural excellence in the busy metropolis of India’s capital, Delhi. The campus weaves in a unique interplay of institutions, supporting infrastructure and facilities such as conference venues, auditoria, hospitality areas, the library and resource centre, and art galleries. Elegantly designed, the campus is a hub of activity while simultaneously being serene. The architectural and design elements that Stein has built in enable this paradoxical blend. The landscaping, horticulture and fountains add to the pleasing ambience of the campus. The campus is wi-fi enabled.
The Mission
To bring a holistic approach to problem solving in areas of environmental and regional planning, energy efficiency, appropriate technology options, transport and communication, lifestyle choices, socio-cultural linkages and information technology.
Concept of the Symbol

The symbol has three basic elements. The downward pointing triangle within the male figure encircled by the words “India Habitat Centre”.
The figure of the man, developed from a prototype of a rock painting from Bhimbetka in Madhya Pradesh, represents the anthropomorphic personification of Shiva, the Creator - Demiurge, as the Divine Archer.
The bow in his left hand has been deleted for purpose of design. The figure depicts the phenomenon of the expanding form, quintessential to the eternal repose, peace and order in the universe.
The downward pointing triangle is a female symbol representing “Shakti”. It is based on “Shri Yantra”, a general term for instruments of worship which include geometric forms. An amalgamation of the two forms symbolize the creative activity of the cosmic male and female energies in successive stages of evolution. It is the archetypal marriage represented in abstract form, a key to the secret of cosmic and universal harmony.
Encircling them is the Universe, shown by the typographical use of the words “India Habitat Centre” placed in a perfect circle.
The symbol in its entirety would represent the aim of the India Habitat Centre to resolve and restore at every level - socio-economic, cultural, environmental and ecological - a balanced, harmonious and improved way of life.