Aims and Objects
Aims and Objects of the Centre are to:
- develop an integrated physical environment in which various professions and institutions dealing with different facets of habitat and habitat related environmental issues would function, interact and attempt to resolve habitat related problems in a coordinated manner.
- promote awareness in regard to habitat related environmental issues including water, air, noise and waste pollution, energy and its conservation, water and human waste management and other such matters.
- promote better urban and rural settlements relevant of the Indian social, cultural and economic context and related to the lifestyle of its people.
- inculcate better awareness and sensitivity in regard to all aspects of creative human activity including the significance of art in habitat.
- document all relevant information pertaining to habitat, human settlements and environmental issues.
- advise and if needed, assist the Government in the formation and implementation of policies relating to habitat, and human settlements.
- promote education, research, training and professional development on habitat and human settlement and environment related issues.
- organise and promote conferences, seminars, lectures, public debates and exhibitions in matters relating to habitat, human settlements and environment.
- offer awards, prizes scholarships and stipends in furtherance of the objectives of the Centre.
- cooperate and collaborate with other national and international institutions in furtherance of the objectives of the Centre.
- acquire, hold, improve and develop lands and construct buildings and related facilities on behalf of members of the Centre.
- organise and maintain residential hostels , restaurants and other amenities for its members, their guests and non-members invited by the Centre.
- maintain and keep in good repair all buildings and common services.
- constitute or cause to be constituted Regional Centres at convenient places to promote the objectives of the Centre.
- do such all other lawful activities as the Centre considers conducive to the attainment of all or any of the above objectives.