Habitat Library & Resource Centre Guidelines

Further to DDMA Order No. 523 dated February 26, 2022 removing all prohibitions / restrictions imposed in the NCT of Delhi vide its various orders, 100% seating in the HLRC will be available from March 3, 2022. In view of the prevailing situation with reference to COVID-19 and government advisories in light of the same, our revised operation guidelines are as provided below. These Guidelines replace the earlier HLRC Guidelines, which were in force.

Location of the Habitat Library & Resource Centre

The Habitat Library & Resource Centre (HLRC) is located on the second floor of the Convention Centre.

Working Hours

  • Monday to Sunday: 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
  • Entry to the HLRC is not allowed after 7:45 p.m.
  • Closed holidays: January 26 (Republic Day), August 15 (Independence Day), October 2 (Gandhi Jayanti), Diwali and Holi (and early closure at 4:00 p.m., on the days before Holi and Diwali, as in the past).

Access to the HLRC

  • Elevators from the Convention Centre Lobby or from the South Block Parking may be used to reach HLRC.
  • Only members of IHC will be allowed access into the HLRC, on tapping their RFID Cards on the Reader placed outside the HLRC. Members will be asked to provide their membership numbers in case they do not bring their RFID Cards. No other persons (other than IHC personnel), including attendants will be allowed entry. Institutional Members of the IHC have been provided membership cards and staff of member institutions may use the HLRC on presentation of the membership card of their institution. The Institutional Member is responsible for material borrowed by any of its staff.
  • Material for return may also be sent through messenger. However, it is reiterated that no messenger/attendant will be allowed inside the HLRC.
  • Toilets are functional on the HLRC Floor and may be accessed through the rear door of HLRC.

Advisory regarding Safety Norms requested to be followed

  • Members residing in Containment Zones are not allowed to come to the Centre/HLRC.
  • Members are advised to download the Aarogya Setu App on their compatible mobiles and regularly update their health status before entering the Centre.
  • Should any member subsequent to visiting the HLRC, test positive for the Covid-19, HLRC should be informed immediately.
  • Masks must be worn at all times: while entering the Centre and in the HLRC in keeping with Government of India guidelines. Staff members on duty in the HLRC have been advised to monitor this strictly. Members are advised that those not adhering to this requirement will not be allowed to use the HLRC.
  • All members entering HLRC will be checked for temperature again at the entry of HLRC.
  • A hands-free sanitiser dispenser is kept at the entrance to HLRC must be used before entering HLRC.
  • Hands-free sanitiser dispensers are also kept inside HLRC for the convenience of members.
  • Members are also encouraged to wash their hands frequently with soap and water, as feasible.
  • Social distancing is expected to be strictly observed: a minimum of six feet.
  • The central air-conditioning system will be operational in HLRC with an average temperature of 26 degrees Celsius (with +/- one degree variation). Some identified windows / doors will be kept open for cross ventilation. This is as advised by ISHRAE. Members are requested not to close these windows / doors.
  • All bags, other than those that are allowed, must be deposited with the guard at the entrance to HLRC for retention in the Baggage Desk. Token collected in lieu thereof, is to be sanitised. The deposited items may be collected after returning the token to the security guard. Members are informed that the Baggage Desk will also be sanitised periodically in keeping with safety norms and the Centre will not be responsible for any damage occurring to the material deposited there, due to this.
  • Personal belongings (mobiles, keys, wallets) may please be kept in the possession of the member at all times.
  • Laptops if brought into the HLRC for use are the sole responsibility of the member.
  • Laptop bags will be allowed to be brought into the HLRC, enabling members to use it to bring their laptops, other devices and related accessories. Small ladies handbags will also be allowed
  • Food brought from home may be had in the HLRC terrace. Please see Guidelines for using the HLRC Terrace for lunch.
  • The barricading near the Readers Advisory Desk and the furniture in the HLRC and HLRC Terrace must not be moved; they have been positioned keeping social distancing in view.
  • All payments (fines, printing, photocopying, scanning and other charges, if any) will be accepted through UPI transactions only.

What is not allowed in the Habitat Library & Resource Centre

  • Smoking is prohibited in the HLRC.
  • Use and/or ringing of mobile phones is prohibited in the HLRC. Mobile phones are to be placed on silent mode when entering HLRC. Members flouting this requirement will be denied access to the HLRC.
  • Accessing pornographic sites using Internet facility in the HLRC is strictly prohibited. Members flouting this rule will be denied access to Internet facility in the HLRC.
  • Mutilation, damaging or defacing of books, periodicals, newspapers, audio-visual and other materials is prohibited. Members found doing so will have to pay for the cost of the publication that has been defaced.
  • Eatables and beverages from outside are not allowed in the HLRC.
  • Used tea and coffee cups are not to be left lying around and may please be deposited in the waste bins provided.
  • Beverages (Tea/Coffee, Drinking water, etc.) are NOT allowed at Internet/Multimedia/Study Carrels Terminals.

Adherence to Guidelines

  • Members are requested to adhere to the rules, regulations and norms of the Habitat Library & Resource Centre, especially in view of the present pandemic situation.
  • Staff have been authorised to enforce the guidelines strictly.
  • Any changes in these guidelines will be notified from time to time.
  • The Habitat Library & Resource Centre reserves the right to deny access to its premises or services to any primary member/spouse.

Borrowing and Returning of Books and Periodicals

  • Members are requested to use the Self Issue/Return Kiosk as much as possible. Sanitiser is provided alongside.
  • Staff on duty will assist if books are required to be returned/ issued at the Readers Advisory Desk.
  • Members are requested to stand behind the barricade to speak to staff at the Readers Advisory Desk.
  • Members can borrow four books (inclusive of all sections) and five back issues of select periodicals at a time, for a period of fifteen days.
  • Two extensions of the period of loan for another fifteen days are possible for books, provided there is no reservation and the book is brought to the HLRC or the request for renewal is communicated through telephone/e-mail.
  • After two extensions, the books and periodicals have to be returned to the HLRC and cannot be renewed for a third time.
  • Books from the Reference Section cannot be borrowed.
  • A Drop Box has been positioned in the Convention Centre foyer. This may be used by members to drop books and back issues of periodicals borrowed by them in case they are not able to come up to the HLRC to return them, or when the HLRC is closed. Members will get a confirmation email from HLRC once the book is collected and returned through the library system. Overdue charges, if any, will be intimated to the member and will have to be paid by the member on the next visit to the HLRC. No books and/or back issues of periodicals may be borrowed by the member until the pending overdue charges are paid. All returned books are subject to checking and members are responsible for any loss/damage/marking/underlining/highlighting/mutilated and torn pages etc. Members are requested to not leave any books and/or back issues of periodicals borrowed by them outside or on the Book Drop Box.
  • Books and back issues of periodicals being borrowed by a member from the HLRC may be returned by courier to the HLRC before the due date of return, subject to their being couriered at the member's cost; further, the member will be responsible for books and back issues of periodicals until they are received in the HLRC, and without any damage. The HLRC is not liable to track the package once it is despatched by the member. On safe receipt of the material, the HLRC will send an acknowledgement to the member after recording the return in the HLRC system. Should the material be received in damaged condition, the member will be informed of the cost of the material and will have to pay for it by online mode. Borrowing privileges will be suspended if payment is not made in 30 days.

Overdue Books/Periodicals

  • From September 1, 2005, the Habitat Library & Resource Centre has been levying overdue charges as indicated below for books and periodicals not returned/renewed on time:
    -Rs. 2/- per day for the first ten days.
    -Rs. 5/- per day from the eleventh day onwards.
  • All payments (fines, printing, photocopying, scanning and other charges if any) will be accepted through UPI transactions only.
  • Borrowing privileges will be withdrawn for members not returning items borrowed from the HLRC for three months after the due date of return stamped on the book(s)/ periodical(s).
  • Access to HLRC and all its services will be denied to members not returning items borrowed from the HLRC for six months after the scheduled date of return stamped on the items.
  • Lending privileges will be barred for members not paying fines of returned overdue documents.

Reservation of books

  • Books available for lending, but not on the shelf, may be reserved, either from the Readers Advisory Desk or through OPAC/WEBOPAC. Reservations will be made on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Reservations will also be accepted for books displayed as New Arrivals, and will be dealt with on a first-come, first-served basis. At any given time, only ten reservations will be entertained from a member.
  • When books recommended by members are acquired by HLRC and displayed as New Arrivals, the recommendation will count as a reservation and will be sequenced accordingly.

Recommending additions to the HLRC Collection

  • Books/Periodicals/Audio-Visuals may be recommended by members through OPAC/WEBOPAC or by email/telephone and in person. Decision to add the item vests with the India Habitat Centre.

Care of Books/Periodicals

  • Once a book/periodical is issued, it is wholly the responsibility of the member to safeguard and return the issued materials to HLRC in good condition and on time.
  • Before borrowing book(s)/periodical(s), members are encouraged to check that the book(s)/periodical(s) are in proper condition. If they are found to be mutilated or damaged on return, the member will be held responsible for the damage and (s)he will have to replace or pay the price of the damaged book/periodical.

Loss or Damage

  • Dog-earing the pages of books, marking or scribbling on them, tearing or damaging pages or otherwise spoiling books is not allowed and amounts to causing damage to the books/information resources.
  • If a member loses or damages any book that (s)he has borrowed, it will have to be replaced by a new copy of the same or a later edition at his/her cost. In the event of the book not being available or being out of print, the published price of the book will have to be reimbursed to the HLRC.
  • If a member loses or damages any periodical that (s)he has borrowed, it will have to be replaced by a new copy of the same at his/her cost. In the event of the periodical issue not being available, the published price of the particular issue will have to be reimbursed to the HLRC.
  • The HLRC reserves the right to determine the price of a rare/out-of-print/unobtainable book/periodical.

HLRC Services

  • The following services are available from 10:00 a.m. – 7:45 p.m.:
    • Issue of books/magazines
    • Internet access
    • Photocopying/Printing/Scanning
    • Tea/Coffee
    • Use of the Library Terrace.
  • Reference services and Reading Room access are available from: 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
  • Time/programme slots will have to be booked through HLRC staff for using Internet and for viewing videos.
  • Internet facility can be used for 30 minutes and an extension of an additional 30-minute slot will be allowed if there is no other member wishing to avail the service. Internet Service may be used for a maximum time of 60 minutes in a day.
  • Accessing pornographic sites is strictly prohibited.
  • Wi-Fi facility is available for members using their laptop computers in the HLRC.
  • Eight hour slots will have to be booked through HLRC staff if a member wishes to utilize a Wi-Fi coupon.
  • Members may also access the internet on their own devices by logging in through their membership IDs.
  • Study carrels with and without computer facilities are available for members on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Internet connection is also available in a few selected carrels.

Using the photocopying, printing, scanning, and CD writing facilities

Printing, Photocopying, Scanning and CD Writing facilities are available for materials in the HLRC collection as per copyright regulations. The charges are as follows.

Library Material


Black & White (A4 size) -Rs. 2/- per exposure
Black & White (A3 size) -Rs. 3/- per exposure
Colour (A4 size) -Rs. 15/- per exposure
Colour (A3 size) -Rs. 20/- per exposure


Black & White (A4 size) -Rs. 3/- per exposure
Colour (A4 size) -Rs. 5/- per exposure

Scanning                      -Rs. 5/- per exposure

CD- Writing          -Rs. 10/- per CD

Non-Library Material


Black & White (A4 size) -Rs. 3/- per exposure
Black & White (A3 size) -Rs. 5/- per exposure
Colour (A4 size) -Rs. 22/- per exposure
Colour (A3 size) -Rs. 30/- per exposure


Black & White (A4 size) -Rs. 5/- per exposure
Colour (A4 size) -Rs. 8/- per exposure

Scanning                      -Rs. 8/- per exposure

CD- Writing          -Rs. 10/- per CD

(Printouts/Photocopies can only be taken on the paper available in HLRC/IHC)

HLRC Terrace

The HLRC Terrace is an extension of the library space for use of the members wishing to read outside and/or use their laptops there.

  • In response to requests from members who wish to bring lunch with them and have it when using the HLRC, this facility is being offered in the HLRC Terrace from October 1, 2021.
  • Members may kindly note that other outside food/drinks are strictly not allowed in the HLRC Terrace.
  • The lunch boxes may please be deposited at the Baggage Deposit Desk and may be collected at the time of having lunch and deposited again at the Baggage Desk after lunch.
  • Members are requested to keep their voices low during lunchtime, so that other members using the HLRC and the Terrace are not disturbed.
  • As per DDMA Orders currently in force, social distancing and other COVID appropriate behavior is required to be maintained.
  • Members may please note that social gatherings and get-togethers are not allowed in the HLRC Terrace, as these tend to cause disturbance to other users of the HLRC. Members wishing to meet informally among themselves are requested to kindly cooperate and bear in mind that The Habitat Lounge is open to members for social engagement and snacks.
  • HLRC staff have been authorized to strictly enforce these guidelines.

Access to Washroom

  • Access to the washrooms on the HLRC floor will be available through the rear door of HLRC, from October 1, 2021 onwards.
  • A button is provided to open the door from inside the HLRC at the time of exit.
  • At the time of entry through this door, members will required to use their RFID IHC Membership Card on the access control RFID reader outside the door.
  • A hands-free sanitiser dispenser will be provided inside the entrance, which must be used before re-entering the HLRC.

Guidelines for usage of HLRC by children below 25 years of age of members (Dependents)

  • Dependents have been allowed to use the HLRC purely for academic purposes and not for social interactions. Use of the HLRC for academic purposes implies reference of and borrowing the information resources available in the HLRC and use of the wi-fi facility, as per guidelines in place.
  • Members have precedence to use the seating in the HLRC, dependents may avail of seating in the HLRC, only if available. Further, if a member requires a seat, it has to be vacated.
  • Members who wish to have their dependent children use the HLRC, are requested to send an email from their email address registered with the IHC, to hlrc@indiahabitat.org, requesting for the same and attach a scanned copy of the dependent’s photo-identity card. The member will be informed by email allowing their dependent to use the HLRC.
  • Members will be responsible for the conduct of their children (dependents) when they use the HLRC; they will be informed by email if dependents do not adhere to the norms and the guidelines of the HLRC and use of the HLRC will be disallowed.
  • For entry into HLRC, dependents are requested to sign the register at the entrance of HLRC. They are required to present the same photo-identity card submitted (when the request for use of the HLRC has been made by their parent), each time they visit the HLRC.
  • Access into HLRC is allowed only from the main entrance, located on the 2nd floor of the Convention Centre.
  • Personal books and study materials, if required to be brought into the HLRC, are to be recorded in the register at the entrance and are not allowed to be scattered all over the reading table, that they use. This has inconvenienced members in the past.
  • Dependents are allowed to use the open Reading Tables and not the Study Carrels, Sofas and Internet terminals, which are reserved for members only. Seating spaces cannot be reserved by leaving their belongings/books on any seat/table; HLRC reserves the right to remove them.
  • Wi-Fi facility is available in the HLRC and coupons for using the same may be collected from the Readers Advisory Desk.
  • Dependents may use the Temporary RFID cards available at the Readers Advisory Desk, to facilitate access to the washrooms from the Rear Door.
  • Dependents are requested to adhere to all the guidelines for usage of the HLRC, which they may carefully read before using the HLRC; staff have been authorized to enforce them strictly.

For more information, please contact:

Habitat Library & Resource Centre,
India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road,
New Delhi - 110 003.
Phone: 91-11-43662021-2022 (Direct)
Board: 91-11-24682001-09 Ext.: 2021-2022
Fax: +91-011-24682011
E-mail: hlrc@indiahabitat.org
Web site: www.indiahabitat.org